Sarah Tosh is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminal Justice at Rutgers University-Camden, where she teaches courses on drugs and society, the sociology of deviance, inequality in criminal justice, and criminal justice research methods, as well as an honors seminar on immigration, deportation, and justice. Her research focuses on the punitive intersections between drug, crime, and immigration policy in the United States, with a focus on the immigration consequences of criminal convictions. Her (tentatively-titled) book, From Criminalization to Deportation: Aggravated Felonies, Inequality, and Resistance at the Crimmigration Nexus is forthcoming from New York University Press. Drawing on archival research, interviews with lawyers, and ethnographic observation of NYC’s detained immigration court, From Criminalization to Deportation explores the historical development and modern day impacts of the aggravated felony—an oft-overlooked legal category which provides the basis for the removal of thousands of immigrants each year. Dr. Tosh is the co-PI of a two-year National Science Foundation-funded study of “The Criminal Deportation Pipeline in New York City” with Dr. David Brotherton, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY. Her work has appeared in academic journals including Critical Criminology, International Journal of Drug Policy, and Journal of Migration and Human Security. She received her PhD in Sociology in 2019 from the Graduate Center, CUNY.
Other Publications:
Sarah Tosh. 2023. The Immigration law Death Penalty: Aggravated Felonies, Deportation , and Legal Resistance . New York: New York University Press.
Avila L. and Tosh S. (2024). The Institutional Hearing Program and the Incarceration-to-Deportation-Pipeline. Critical Criminology.\
Brotherton, D. and S. Tosh. (forthcoming).The Dialectics of Migration: New York City Deportation Pipeline and Social Bulimia, American Behavioral Scientist.
Edited Journal
Sarah Tosh, Edwin Grimsley, and Nicholas Rodrigo, ed.2024 .Special Issue of Critical Criminology on "The Criminalization to Deportation Pipeline in the United States."
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Lorena Avila Jaimes and Sarah Tosh. 2024. "The Institutional hearing Program and the Incarceration -to-Deportation-Pipeline." Critical Criminology.
Ulla D. Berg Sarah Tosh, y K. Sebastian Leon. 2022. "Trabajos originales de investigación. Etnografía carcelaria en tiempos de pandemia: Examinando la detención y deportación de migrantes durante el COVID-19. "Etnografias Contemporaneas 8(15), pp.62-87. (Spanish Translation of previously published article.)
Ulla D. Berg, Sarah Tosh, and Kenneth Sebastian Leon. 2022. "Remote Ethnography in Caraceral Settings: Local Configurations of Migrant Detention during the Coronavirus Pandemic." Ethnography.
Sarah Tosh.2022. "Mandatory Detention for Aggravated Felonies: The Reproduction of Inequality through US Immigration Law." Law & Policy, 44(1), pp.70-97.
Book Chapters
Sarah Tosh, Forthcoming. "Race and United States Immigration Policy: From Criminalization to Deportation." In Handbook on Border Criminology, edited by Mary Bosworth, Katja Franko, Maggy Lee, and Rimple Mehta. Cheltenham, Uk: Edward Elgar Publishing.